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Simon Fenoulhet



Counting in Colour


Solar Transit






Counting in Colour

orbit 2017

This work was shown at ‘Arcade’ in Cardiff and comprised three works, Orbit, Counting in Colour and Solar Transit.

Orbit explores projected light with a motorised magnifying glass and a light source which casts patterns around the room. The lens gathers the light and focuses it onto the wall, briefly picking up the detail of the torch’s bulb and reflector until the light is spread around the edges of the space only to come full circle again in a repeating pattern of light and shadow.

Solar Transit is a video of the Sun as it crosses the sky, entering the frame and exiting over a period of nine minutes. Observing the Sun is difficult and requires special equipment, but doing so reveals a volatile body that holds us in orbit and provides us with our light as we hurtle through space. As the Sun crosses the sky, it reveals the speed of the earth’s rotation during the day.

Counting in Colour is a series of long light boxes piece that are mounted on the wall to make a continuous row of illuminated coloured lines formed by many hundreds of plastic and wooden cocktail sticks. The opaque sticks in between the colours separate the colours and allow us to see each one distinctly as if they are part of a linear colour code to be read my machine.